Having a holiday in any cottage rented out by a single owner at a beautiful location in France. In every...
LOTT holiday homes & more
LOTT holiday homes & more is your holiday site. The perfect holiday destination. Selected LOTTages (holiday homes) for the ultimate vacation. An attractive and comfortable holiday home that meets the requirements of LOTT and therefore also yours. Enjoy French life just on the edge of a picturesque French village or ‘a la campagne’, but always with amenities within walking or cycling distance. A unique, sporty, lazy, discovering or culinary holiday experience together! Celebrate your holiday at LOTT holiday homes & more!
A LOTTage is a cottage exclusively bought and renovated by LOTT holiday homes & more. Once the home meets all...
LOTT is an acronym for Lots Of Time Together. And together can mean just the two of you, with friends or with your family. In peak season or during the quiet times. For the children to explore their own paths or for a couples’ getaway. LOTT is your holiday website...
In 2019, the concept of LOTT holiday homes & more was founded. It began in 2011 with one cottage in...