Do you still have questions about our holiday destinations after reading the LOTT holiday homes & more website? We, the Dutch owners Eugene and Patricia de Jong are happy to help you and answer your questions.

Send an email via our contact form or directly to '' Send an email via our contact form or directly to '' for the attention of Eugene & Patricia de Jong. Or contact us by phone 0033 (0) 610 093 019 and/or whatsapp 0033 (0) 610 093 019. 0033 (0) 610 093 019.
Contact Form
Send an email to LOTT via our contact form and we will answer your question within 24 hours!
Social media
Patricia & Eugene, the Dutch owners of LOTT holiday homes & more, regularly post videos, stories or photos of the holiday homes on social media. Follow, like, share and pin. Help us expand our reach. Do you have nice photos or videos of your holiday at LOTT, tag us or use the hashtag #lottholidayhomes.
LOTT holiday homes & more
Discover the great concept of 'LOTT holiday homes & more' in France. Detached holiday homes from one owner and always in unique locations in nature and close to picturesque villages. A wonderful hideaway to get away from it all.